As of Tuesday 20 September 2022:

The Spain Travel Health (SpTH) portal, both the website and the mobile applications, will no longer be operational.

It will NO LONGER be necessary to fill in the health control form to travel to Spain NOR to present the SpTH QR code when boarding or at the arrival airport (this applies to both EU and non-EU travellers)



Non-EU travellers will still need proof of one of the following:

  • primary vaccination within 270 days
  • Proof of recovery
  • Negative test (PCR within 72 hours or antigen within 24 hours)

Note: booster is considered valid on date of receipt

Find out more here


REMEMBER: It is recommended not to travel if you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (fever, breathing difficulty, cough…). Stay at home/accommodation until these symptoms improve or disappear.

We are closely monitoring the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation and are committed to creating a safe and effective meeting experience for all our participants. The health and safety of Congress delegates as well as their patients and colleagues are our highest priority.

Should there be any changes in the local law, right before or during the congress, all delegates will be informed accordingly by our meeting organiser in due time.


Recommendations on mask wearing will conform with the Spanish national requirements in place at the time of the Congress.

Currently, masks are optional for indoor venues such as the SIOP2022 Congress and hence will be at the discretion of the attendees.

You will be responsible for providing your own facemask if you choose to wear one.*

* Our congress organiser will make a limited number of disposable masks available at the registration desk in case you would prefer to wear one and forgot/lost your own. Hand sanitizer dispensers will also be made available throughout the venue.


To increase the safety of the environment for all our attendees, we encourage that all attendees have:

  • been vaccinated against COVID-19
  • or self-tested daily for COVID-19 before entering the congress venue

DO NOT enter the congress venue if you have any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, dry cough, headache, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms etc.

 What happens if you fall ill during your stay in Spain?

In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, it is recommended to exercise caution and minimise social interactions as much as possible by constantly wearing a mask and maintaining adequate hand hygiene for 10 days after the onset of symptoms or the diagnosis if you are asymptomatic.

It is advisable to particularly avoid contact with vulnerable people and not to attend large events. It is no longer mandatory for close contacts of confirmed cases to self-isolate.*

*These regulations might be subject to change and kindly check here for any updates if needed

If you are not sure what to do, please contact the SIOP Office for further assistance and guidance.

The SIOP Board of Directors, Scientific Committee and Local Organising Committees will be relying on the personal responsibility of each participant and thus, there will be no entry checks at the conference centre in this regard.


If you have any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, dry cough, headache, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms etc. – DO NOT travel to Barcelona.

 We would like to make sure that you travel safely to Barcelona.

Here you can find useful links and resources to help you organize your journey.

 Reminder: if you are traveling from outside the Schengen States (includes all EU member states except Ireland and Cyprus; find out more here)  to Spain, you will need either a certificate proving full vaccination, a negative test (PCR – no more than 72 hours before or rapid antigen – no more than 24 hours before) or a certificate of recovery*

*This might be subject to change closer to the meeting date and please keep checking on the resources outlined below.

For COVID-19 regulations related to travelling to Spain and activities in Barcelona, please visit the following websites for most up-to-date information:

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